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Community Involvement

Effective evangelism

We know that the gospel message never changes, but the methods we have used to present the gospel over the years have changed. Different generations demand a different way to approach them, and new technological advances and social realities provide very different problems. We like to create strategic opportunities in each different social group of a community in order to present the gospel in an intentional way.

Effective programs

Churches will regularly conduct programs and different activities. The problem is when we do not understand what a program is and for what the program is designed. Oftentimes, we see churches and church leaders working hard to have VBS, camps, retreats, or a one-day church activity. Once as I was training a group of leaders from a church, one of them asked me, “How can we run our youth camp better?” I asked him, “Why are you having youth camp?” His answer revealed the issue in so many churches, “Because we always do!” Sometimes, programs in a church become a tradition, and we do them because we have always done them. We love to train leaders about church programs, so they can understand how to better use them to impact their community. If there is not a very clear and specific purpose for that program, we help them to see, create, and execute the program for that goal.

Effective outreach

In addition to training churches on better utilizing their programs to impact the community, we also train churches on how to integrate into the programs of their community. There are many open doors for church members to utilize their God given gifts and abilities by engaging in the day to day activities of their community. We teach and emphasize that the church is to be more than just a weekly gathering, but that it is to be a day by day investment into the lives of each person we encounter!

Areas of emphasis include

Missions teams from USA

Professional training and outreach

First responder training

Underprivileged areas outreach

After school class support

Sports programs

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